Originating in South America, the silver arowana is the most often traded species in aquarium trade. The Australian arowana, red-tail golden, and black arowana are among other arowana varieties.
Arowanas are best suited for seasoned aquarists and require constant attention. They are particularly impressive jumpers, so you will always need to hide your setup.
Read this article to know more about Arowana tank mates
For what reason does Arowana Leap from the Tank?
Arowanas are proficient surface predators in the wild. They inhabit flooded woods with widely distributed food sources, so animals must adapt their survival strategies. Arowanas have been observed snaring birds and snakes from dangling branches.
Certain arowanas hunt in the littoral areas of lakes and rivers as well as along their shorelines. Wild animals hide under downed trees to hunt their prey. While they still consume crabs and snails, their primary mode of locomotion is leaping to snag terrestrial invertebrates like spiders and beetles.
The majority of aquarists prefer to use sinking pellets rather than requiring arowanas to feed from the surface. However, it has been proposed that if the fish are made to adjust to a life of feeding at the bottom of the aquarium, they may get “drop-eye.”
By giving your arowana floating food, you can train it to eat at the surface.
If the conditions in the tank are not ideal, your arowana can also jump. 1 among the things to look out for are:
– Unsatisfactory Tank Conditions
Your arowana will have a tendency to leap from an unwelcoming setting. For example, they won’t have enough room to swim if the tank is little.
Being monster fish, arowana require a large tank in order to be comfortable. For instance, the silver arowana needs at least 220 gallons.
Regularly checking the water’s parameters is advised. Because they are tropical fish, arowanas do best in warm temperatures, up to 86ºF. 6.0–7.0 is the optimal PH range.
The silver arowana is not picky about how the aquarium is set up as long as the water quality is good. As long as you provide sufficient of space for swimming, you can use any kind of substrate, plants, and lighting.
Due to the high waste production of arowanas, water filtration is essential. Toxic substances like ammonia must be broken down by a filter that contains a large amount of biological medium. Large aquariums look great with canister and sump filters; if you’re looking to save space, you can also use a trickle filter.
How Can You Prevent an Arowana From Leaping?
It’s preferable to prevent your arowana from acting on its innate desire to jump out of an aquarium. You will need a strong cover that, should the fish leap, it cannot topple over.
Some aquarium owners choose to weigh down their covers, but they make sure that doing so won’t eventually damage the aquarium’s structural integrity. Lockable coverings that keep the fish in the tank are an extreme approach.