The inland bearded dragon is widely regarded as one of the best lizard pets of all time. Because bearded dragons are known for being watchful, hardy, and gentle, owners enjoy watching their lizards, whether during a feeding frenzy when chasing insects or simply socializing with one another. Arms waving, in which a female lifts her front leg in the air and waves it as a submissive gesture, is another unusual behavior seen in bearded dragons. The lizard’s spiny beard, which gives it its popular name, can also be stretched, though the tame captives rarely do so; dragons often do so when disturbed. Bearded dragons can be found in pet stores, reptile expos, and on the websites of breeders. Captive-bred animals are preferred over wild-caught animals because they are usually healthier and better accustomed to captivity.
While a hatchling dragon can survive in a 20-gallon aquarium for a short time, it will quickly outgrow it. A 75-gallon tank or a similar-sized cage can house an adult dragon. Screening should be utilized for optimum ventilation, whether as a top on an aquarium enclosure or in the construction of a custom enclosure. During the summer, bearded dragons can be maintained in outdoor enclosures. Make sure there are sunning areas and shady hideaways, as well as weather protection, in the outdoor enclosure. UV rays are good when exposed to the sun outside. Bearded dragons adore climbing, so make sure their enclosures include some sturdy branches.
Bearded Dragon Lighting and Temperature in the Wild:
Bearded dragons enjoy the heat. They want a temperature of around 100 degrees Fahrenheit for basking. A flashlight placed over a rock, branch, or another object at one end of the enclosure can serve as a basking site. Your dragon will be able to thermoregulate if the spotlight is kept at one end of the cage.
Provide full-spectrum UVB illumination throughout the enclosure in addition to the basking spotlight. This lighting is vital for dragons housed indoors because it helps them synthesize vitamin D3, which aids in calcium absorption. There are many different types of lights to choose from; talk to store personnel and read the box to figure out which one is best for their arrangement. Heat tape, heat emitters, and other gadgets available at pet stores can also be used to offer armth.Willing to know about the bearded dragon, if yes, then please click on
Bearded Dragon Substrate for the Inland:
Sand is often used with bearded dragons, while some people are concerned that if they ingest some, it will cause intestinal impaction, especially in young lizards. It is not advisable to raise juvenile bearded dragons on sand or any other loose substrate. Better options would be newspaper, paper toweling, or reptile carpet.
If people must use sand, playground sand is a good option because it is less dusty than other types of sand. They can also buy digestible reptile sand at reptile and pet stores, albeit there are mixed reviews on its safety. If someone decides to test some, make careful to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Adult bearded dragons can also be kept in sand mixed with clean soil that has not been treated with fertilizers, pesticides, or other chemicals.