Matt Davies Investigates Symptoms Related to Constipation in Cats

Pet Care


Matt Davies Harmony Communities knows constipation is a problem that affects cats and causes them to have difficulty emptying their bowels. Particularly firm feces typically accompany this ailment. Even in otherwise healthy cats, constipation can occur occasionally; however, when it occurs more frequently than once per month, there may be a more significant issue. Let’s talk about what causes cats to get constipated and what you may offer your cat to treat the condition.

Symptoms of a Cat Who Has Constipation

Nothing In the Litter Box

Most cats have between one and two defecations every day on average. Tootsie Rolls are a good analogy for the typical appearance of a cat’s stool, the size of which varies according to the food of the particular cat and other factors.

When you clean up your cat’s litter box, if you find less feces or smaller or tougher feces, he may suffer from constipation. There is also the possibility that he is defecating somewhere other than the litter box; therefore, you should examine all the different areas of your home.

Strange Behavior Observed in the Litter Box

When peeing, most cats have flatter backs. However, when they are defecating, their backs are more rounded. The presence of constipation in a cat is indicated when the animal spends more than a few minutes in the litter box defecating in a rounded posture.

Crying, digging in the litter for an extended time, or tossing litter beyond the litter box are examples of some other aberrant behaviors that might occur in the litter box. Constipation may be the source of bowel movements that spill out of the box or even end up in other parts of the house.

What Can Cause Cats to Become Constipated?

When cats experience constipation, sometimes for only a short time, panic is not necessary. On the other hand, chronic constipation can be caused by several underlying disorders, including the following:

  1. Hyperthyroidism or Kidney Disease. Chronic conditions like kidney disease and hyperthyroidism are common in older cats. To receive a diagnosis, you will need the assistance of your veterinarian.
  2. Osteoarthritis. Cats suffering from back or joint pain have difficulty adopting the correct stance to defecate. When cats “hold it” for lengthy periods because it is too uncomfortable to defecate, the feces already present in the colon will dry out and become more solid.
  3. Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome. Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (also known as IBS) is a significant immune-mediated condition that causes inflammation in the digestive tract. Constipation is one of the most common symptoms of IBD.
  4. Abnormal anatomy. A cat’s aberrant anatomy may be present from birth or develop as the animal ages. Megacolon, colon polyps, colon strictures, and tumors are all examples of abnormalities that can occur in the colon.
  5. Drugs. Pharmaceuticals such as anesthetics and painkillers, barium used in x-ray investigations, iron supplements, diuretics (such as Lasix), antihistamines (such as Benadryl, etc.), sucralfate, and antacids are examples of medications that raise safety concerns. Before discontinuing any prescribed medicine, check with your veterinarian first.
  6. Anxiety. When cats are anxious and don’t move their bowels regularly, which can happen when they are in a new home, in boarding, or when they have issues with inter-cat aggression, they might develop constipation. Visit the website of the Indoor Pet Initiative for assistance with anxiety in households with many cats.
  7. Excessive fur ingestion. When cats groom themselves, they swallow a significant amount of the hair they pull out of their fur. Constipation can occur in cats if they groom themselves excessively or if they have an excessive amount of hair to eliminate.


Matt Davies Harmony Communities hopes that you have found this information helpful. Please take care of your fur friends as they would take care of you.