Complete Guide to Pet Insurance


You all love keeping pets like dogs and cats as they are great companions. They become a part of your family, but the price that you have to spend on owning them can many a times, add up. You cannot deny that along with food, there are several other things like toys, accessories, treats as well as the cost of vet visits which can pinch your pocket. Therefore, insurance providers have come up with excellent policies for your pets, known as ‘pet insurance’.

What does pet insurance mean?

Pet insurance is very similar to health insurance, but it is for your pets. In this type of insurance, the provider pays partly or the full amount for any veterinary treatment of the injured or sick pet. There are some insurance policies which offer limited pet insurance, but you can even buy an individual policy for your four-legged. You are mostly required to pay your vet’s bill up-front and later receive reimbursement from your insurance provider when you apply for a claim.

What exactly does pet insurance cover?

Similar to most of the insurance policies, you can select your level and type of cover. The different levels of pet insurance are:

  • Accidental injury

This kind of insurance covers all physical injuries caused by a fatal accident. It can be anything from flesh wounds to broken bones or even a snake bite.

  • Illness

If your pet is a healthy animal, an illness cover can only help you to pay bills whenever your pet gets sick. This cover includes an upset stomach, infections and various skin conditions.

  • Illness and accident

This is a comprehensive cover; it incorporates both illness as well as accidents and can even include few optional extras.

Remember, research and choose carefully as your policy can even include annual vacations micro-chipping and de-sexing. Some pet insurance providers might even include non-routine dental check-ups and procedures. You must also make sure whether the policy you choose includes hospitalization and other additional care services. Check for emergency boarding charges too, if you find yourself hospitalized or unwell and cannot take care of your pet.

Things that are not covered in pet insurance

Pet insurance plans generally do not provide cover for following:

  • Elective procedures
  • Behavioral problems
  • Pregnancy
  • Diet and food services/products
  • Grooming
  • Any kind of pre-existing conditions which your pet had experienced before you removed the insurance policy or at the time of waiting period

Why all pet owners should buy pet insurance?

Pet insurance may give you peace of mind at times when your pet needs you the maximum. No matter how much care you take of your pet, there will always be an unlucky chance, as they can break a limb, eat something wrong or get sick. In such situations, your dog or cat might be hospitalized and the vet bills could potentially escalate. Therefore, unless you have good savings available to pay for everything, it might be difficult to help your pet return to a good healthy condition fast.

If you all love your pets and eager to look for a best and suitable pet insurance policy for your pets, just click on iSelect is one-stop destination for those looking for the best pet insurance providers in the market.